Trash Room Etiquette
For instructions on recycling for Blue Apron users please click the link below:
Please remember to break down all boxes. If your box will not fit in the recycling can, please take it to the main trash room on the first floor.
ALL MOVING BOXES, should be taken to the main trash room on the first floor and broken down.
Pet litter should be bagged before sending it down the chute, otherwise it explodes when it hits the bottom.
Please only send household garbage down the trash chute. Over sized items become stuck and require a service call to repair.
Goodwill and other agencies are more than happy to take your over sized items. The Fred Meyer located at 45th street in Ballard has a drop off box for unwanted clothing and toys.
Thank you for keeping our common areas clean.
ALL MOVING BOXES, should be taken to the main trash room on the first floor and broken down.
Pet litter should be bagged before sending it down the chute, otherwise it explodes when it hits the bottom.
Please only send household garbage down the trash chute. Over sized items become stuck and require a service call to repair.
Goodwill and other agencies are more than happy to take your over sized items. The Fred Meyer located at 45th street in Ballard has a drop off box for unwanted clothing and toys.
Thank you for keeping our common areas clean.
Questions about what item is recycled where?
Follow this link to the City's latest information:
City of Seattle's Mandatory Food and Composting Program

Beginning September 2011, the City of Seattle has made it mandatory that all condominiums and apartments begin recycling all food and yard waste. With that in mind, the Building and Safety Committee and Board have authorized small receptacles in each of the trash rooms located on every floor. There is also a large green plastic bin in the main trash room on the Lobby level for larger loads.
Only compostable bags (these are always green in color) or brown paper bags can be used when recycling food waste. Since our containers will be lined with compostable bags already, it is not necessary to bag your individual food waste. All other bags will ruin the compostable material and be thrown away with the trash. Please be certain to utilize the appropriate biodegradable bags as the City will enforce additional fines and fees for noncompliance; in turn, forcing higher garbage rates.
Please review all the information and tips provided in each trash room or on the mail room bulletin board. Any staff member will also be happy to help with your questions.
Thank you, in advance for your participation in this mandatory City program.
Only compostable bags (these are always green in color) or brown paper bags can be used when recycling food waste. Since our containers will be lined with compostable bags already, it is not necessary to bag your individual food waste. All other bags will ruin the compostable material and be thrown away with the trash. Please be certain to utilize the appropriate biodegradable bags as the City will enforce additional fines and fees for noncompliance; in turn, forcing higher garbage rates.
Please review all the information and tips provided in each trash room or on the mail room bulletin board. Any staff member will also be happy to help with your questions.
Thank you, in advance for your participation in this mandatory City program.