Limited Opening of Fitness Center
On Thursday, March 4, 2021, the fitness center will reopen for limited use. The sauna and all other amenities will remain closed. While the fitness center will remain open on a 24 hour basis, there are some restrictions in place to adhere with the Governor’s recommended best practices:
September 2020
“Don’t give up. I believe in you all. ” ~Dr. Seuss Office Closed on Labor Day The office will be closed on Monday, September 7th. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, when the office reopens. If you have a maintenance emergency, call the office 206.706.4517 and select extension 3. It will ring the emergency maintenance manager. Autumn Window Washing It’s that time again! Autumn window washing is scheduled for 9/8 & 9/9. Due to the pandemic, interior cleaning is not being offered. Bike Thefts and Vandalism Car prowls and bike thefts are on the rise in Ballard. Please lock your bikes in your units or balconies; if you must leave them in the garage, please use the heaviest gauge locks possible. Remember that just because the garage is controlled access, doesn’t mean it is “secure.” Remove everything valuable from your vehicle, including the garage remotes! It’s becoming the norm. Masks please. Please, please, please be sure you, your guests and vendors are wearing masks in the common areas. Not only is it a state mandate, but we care and want you and your loved ones healthy!
2019 Mandatory Smoke Detector Replacement As the building is over ten years old, the board has decided to replace the smoke detectors in every unit as part of our ongoing safety and maintenance program. There is no additional charge for this program; it is included in your assessments. Brian will be doing this work himself. It should take approximately 10 minutes per unit. Please ensure any pets are crated or secured to prevent escape. If you are unable to be home for this replacement, you must provide access – leave a key with the office, have a working key on file, or have someone available on your behalf to grant entry. 5th Floor is scheduled for 5/6 through 5/8 Mon., 5/6: 10-1pm Units 501 – 511 Tues., 5/7: 10-1pm Units 512-521 Wed., 5/8: 10-1pm Units 522 -533 Should you have questions, please reach out to Lana or Brian. Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain the safety of your community! 2019 Mandatory Smoke Detector Replacement
As the building is over ten years old, the board has decided to replace the smoke detectors in every unit as part of our ongoing safety and maintenance program. There is no additional charge for this program; it is included in your assessments. Brian will be doing this work himself. It should take approximately 10 minutes per unit. Please ensure any pets are crated or secured to prevent escape. If you are unable to be home for this replacement, you must provide access – leave a key with the office, have a working key on file, or have someone available on your behalf to grant entry. 6th Floor is scheduled for 4/15 through 4/18 Mon., 4/15: 10-1pm Units 601 – 6-10 Wed., 4/17: 10-1pm Units 611-620 Thurs., 4/18: 10-1pm Units 620 -631 Should you have questions, please reach out to Lana or Brian. Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain the safety of your community! Dear Residents,
Last night, a homeless man was found sleeping in the back hallway near the trash room. It appears he entered through the garage and was looking for a dry place to rest. A homeowner called the police, facilitated their entry and watched SPD escort him off the property. The Board is addressing this incident. This said, there was much confusion over what to do in this situation and who should be contacted. Below is information on who to call for what purpose: Maintenance EMERGENCIES – 206.223.0721. If no one answers, leave a message. Larry, from Kappes Miller, will return your call and either dispatch Brian/Lana, or a contractor; he may relay a message to the team so they can handle it in the morning. Call this number for: Unsecured Doors; Backed up Plumbing; Water Leaks; Broken Windows; etc. INCIDENTS of Safety and Security – FIRST CALL Seattle PD – 9-1-1. Then call 206.223.0721 and report what has occurred. This ensures our team will be called to respond, if necessary, or follow up in the morning. Call this number for: Concerns about homeless people; Fire Alarms or Smoke; Major Flooding/broken sprinkler pipes; Prowlers or Evidence of Potential Intrusion; Noisy Neighbors (be kind and talk to them first); etc. Thank you all for your vigilance regarding the safety and security of the community. Remember the meeting…
Wed., 5/3/17 at the Library!!! Join us for a Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare (SNAP) Emergency Preparedness Presentation by Cheryl Dyer, the Loyal Heights Hub Captain for Ballard Prepares, on Wednesday, May 3 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. in the Ballard Public Library meeting room. ![]() Recently, Paul our janitorial staff member brought a homeowner's bank statement to the office. It was found in the trash with a myriad of other personal information. We shredded it, however the incident opened the discussion of identity theft. Financial and health records, insurance documents, virtually anything and everything which has your identifying information should be cross-shredded. If you don't have a cross-shredder, there are several businesses which provide that service. Just take your banker's box or trashbag full of documents to them and for about $6 - $10 per bag/box, you'll have kept yourself a little safer from identity theft. For more information on this topic, please visit the Federal Trade Commission's Website on Identity Theft. For information on where to drop off shredded items or what should be shredded, please visit Shred Drop Off. Thank you to Doug of for use of his post-it art!~ |