Greetings, everyone!
We’ve heard some concerns about the manual appointment system at the fitness center and paper sign-ups will be as of Thursday morning. Appointments from now until Thursday will still use the paper system; appointments from Thursday morning forward have been integrated into the scheduling system. You may now make appointments to use the fitness center (from Thursday morning forward) on your electronic devices. This should make the process more convenient and prevent having to utilize pens and paper others have touched. Just go to . Since the website is not exclusive to resident use, we have password protected this feature. Contact the office for the password, We hope this is more convenient and allays some concerns. Please be sure to let me know how this is working and if you run across any glitches.
Limited Opening of Fitness Center
On Thursday, March 4, 2021, the fitness center will reopen for limited use. The sauna and all other amenities will remain closed. While the fitness center will remain open on a 24 hour basis, there are some restrictions in place to adhere with the Governor’s recommended best practices:
We have had several significant maintenance emergenices in the past few months. In an effort to be proactive, we've assembled some of the most frequently asked questions and attached our insurance broker's recommended insurance coverages. Please see the attached document. ![]()
Canal Station Unit Dryer Vent Cleaning Tuesday, September 21st through Friday, September 24th Vent Master and Building Staff will be going unit to unit to clean out the dryer vents in order to mitigate the potential fire hazard of lint build up in the vent tubes. Because this is a safety issue the Board requires 100% compliance from all unit owners and tenants. Please make sure that we have access by either being home or supplying a unit key if we don’t already have one. Any unit wanting to reschedule beyond the 4 days scheduled for the vent cleaning will be subject to a $50 charge for a return trip by Vent Master. There will be 2 to 3 individuals in two teams. One tech will be at the dryer the other tech will be on the unit balcony or patio. The third person will either be the Facility Manager or his assistant (Danny). Vent Masters will also repair or replace as needed, the secondary box lint fans located behind the dryer This process happens every 2 years for Canal Station. If you have any questions call 206-706-4517 or email [email protected]. Thank you, Brian Houdyshell Facility Manager Electric Infrastructure Upgrade Update
January 2021 The measure to upgrade the electric infrastructure to support outlets in one garage space per unit has passed with an approval by 54.65% of the Association owners. 12.20% rejected the upgrade measure. The actual count was 94 in favor, 21 opposed. This said, Zorko Electric has begun the planning work and will start installation as soon as permits are approved by the city. All first phase outlet installations should be complete by July 1, 2021. Outlet covers will be included in the installation process. Each outlet will have a meter to allow accurate accounting of each owner’s electricity use. Owner’s will be charged a per kWh fee set by Seattle City Light as well as a $2.50 per month administrative fee. Reading of meters and assessing accounts will take place semi-annually at the beginning of each January and July. Unfortunately, with the re-boot of this project, we lost the ability to offer the discount incentive to the first owners who originally expressed interest. Those owners will need to resubmit a commitment. Your response is your commitment. We anticipate total install to be around $1550. At the time the work is done your unit will be assessed the final install amount. You will receive an invoice. We expect work to be complete before July 1st. To ensure all parts are available, we must have commitments from interested owners before February 24, 2021. Please return this form to the office, OR copy and paste the section in RED into an email to [email protected], before February 24, 2021 I am interested in the installation of a 120v/20amp outlet for Electric Vehicle Charging. I understand there is an upfront cost of approximately $1550.00 and nominal semi-annual administrative fees. Name: Unit: ONE SPACE #: January 2021
“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. ” ~Jennifer Lee Electric Infrastructure Upgrade Update The voting concluded on 1/1/21 for the Electric Infrastructure Upgrade. We have results, however are waiting on the attorney to certify them. As soon as we have an official announcement, we’ll let everyone know. Thank you to those owners who participated within such tight timelines, especially during the holiday season! Boxes In, Boxes Out Our maintenance team has been working extra hard to keep up with recycling and trash out-put. Please be sure to break down your boxes and take them (especially the large ones) to the first floor trash room. Recycling Styrofoam? There is a special bin inside the trash room door on the right. Generosity Abounds! Thank you to everyone who participated in the Annual Food Drive. We sent several barrels of food and hygiene items to the Ballard Food Bank, which supports our neighbors who are struggling. The generosity of our residents is a wonderful reminder that we have a terrific community within Canal Station. The New Normal… Masks please. Please, please, please be sure you, your guests and vendors are wearing masks in the common areas. Not only is it a state mandate, but we care and want you and your loved ones healthy! This is an electrical infrastructure improvement which will enable a multi-use 20a/120v outlet at parking spaces of owners who opt in. We see this as a building enhancement which will increase unit values. The board urges owners to vote “yes” on this measure. It will improve the value of all our condominiums. A majority vote of owners is required.
Ballots must be returned by January 1, 2021. Additional ballots for this measure are in the office. Please stop by and complete one if you do not have a printer. Tuesday, Nov 24th, between 8:30 am and 1 pm, the residential garage (P2) door is scheduled for repair.
The repair requires the garage door to be immobile; you will not be able to enter or exit the residential garage during this time. Please plan accordingly to ensure you are able to make appointments, etc. Thank you for your patience as we make this crucial repair. As part of the on-going maintenance to prevent fire and safety hazards, the Board has scheduled Brimstone Fire and Safety to conduct the Annual Fire Alarm Testing on Friday, October 30, 2020 at 9:00 AM.
There is no need to access your unit or for you to leave your home during this process. However, alarms will sound periodically during the 3 to 4 hour test. If there was a need to exit the building, the bells would ring consistently instead of intermittently. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Brian at 206-706-4517. Thank you in advance for your participation in helping to maintain our community. September 2020
“Don’t give up. I believe in you all. ” ~Dr. Seuss Office Closed on Labor Day The office will be closed on Monday, September 7th. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, when the office reopens. If you have a maintenance emergency, call the office 206.706.4517 and select extension 3. It will ring the emergency maintenance manager. Autumn Window Washing It’s that time again! Autumn window washing is scheduled for 9/8 & 9/9. Due to the pandemic, interior cleaning is not being offered. Bike Thefts and Vandalism Car prowls and bike thefts are on the rise in Ballard. Please lock your bikes in your units or balconies; if you must leave them in the garage, please use the heaviest gauge locks possible. Remember that just because the garage is controlled access, doesn’t mean it is “secure.” Remove everything valuable from your vehicle, including the garage remotes! It’s becoming the norm. Masks please. Please, please, please be sure you, your guests and vendors are wearing masks in the common areas. Not only is it a state mandate, but we care and want you and your loved ones healthy! |